
Artist Statement: Briana Gude, traditionally a UX engineer, is using her coding skills to create immersive worlds that tell the story of Atlanta’s bustling retail scene throughout time. From the glamour and excitement of the shopping experience when it was based in Downtown Atlanta to the repurposing of these structures today. The three-dimensional aspect of Briana’s work highlights those landmarks that live in our memories. Evoking the memory of The Pink Pig, The Magnolia Tea Room, The Crystal Bridge, and the downtown fashion shows. All of the cherished memories Atlantan’s have shared with their loved ones brought back to life for a brief moment.

Briana Gude is a self-taught UX Designer and front-end developer who specializes in developing stunning websites for successful female entrepreneurs. Her focus on creating safe, effective, and captivating user experiences has earned her a reputation as a leader in the field, making her the go-to designer for businesses looking to make an impact in their particular market.