
Artist Statement: The Atlanta Daily World is an iconic part of media history in Atlanta. Through this piece I wanted to highlight some of the things that serve the historical importance of the paper. I utilized rectangular shapes to symbolize the windows of the original building on Auburn Ave. I included a globe integrated with the ADW original logo to reiterate the newspaper’s goal to reach, not only those in Atlanta, but to expand and create media outlets throughout the country, reaching readers all over the world.The color scheme is mostly black and white to mimic the color scheme of a traditional print newspaper, while sharp lines and edges emulate the cut and paste feel of stitching together a layout for print. I also used pops of blue and peach colors to embrace the paper’s Atlanta and Georgia roots. By including scans of the original print paper in collage form, I am able to feature the World’s original medium, while using the drip aesthetic and animation to represent the current digital state of the paper and highlight their adaptation to modern forms of media. Overall, this piece represents the history, resilience and journey of the Atlanta Daily World, leaving space to both appreciate its past and and embrace the future of the World.