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Grant Recipient

Sundiata Rush

Project Support – Oral Histories & Lectures

Sundiata Rush is a brand strategist, community-builder and storyteller. He enjoys stirring culture and stoking engagement for look-good/feel-good/do-good initiatives rooted in authenticity. His superpowers include ideation, intuition, and turning verve into verse.

With a background in advertising and marketing, Sundiata is experienced in developing and steering promotional campaigns, birthing new experiential programs, crafting messaging, and stewarding communication efforts for companies large and small, non-profits, entrepreneurs, and community groups. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and has an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

A native Atlantan who also has roots in Philly, Sundiata stays active with community enrichment initiatives, including supporting and volunteering with organizations like Atlanta BeltLine Partnership, Westside Future Fund and Trees Atlanta. He’s also passionate about empowering youth, and serves on the Advisory Board for East Atlanta Kids Club, an afterschool and mentoring program.

In recent years, Sundiata has published several articles in local media supporting strivings for more access, equity, and mobility in-town via the Atlanta BeltLine. This includes pieces in SaportaReport and Urbanize Atlanta.

Always on the lookout for inspiration, and hungry for fresh endorphins, his pastimes include hiking, theatre, fitness, books, road trips, and any escapades to explore new places and culture.