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2023/2024 Grant Program Recipient

Amber Enadeghe

Project Support – Therapeutic Art Series

Amber Enadeghe, the creative force behind Artistically Esoteric, LLC, founded in 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia, is a dynamic artist and entrepreneur. Graduating as Valedictorian from the George Washington Carver School of the Arts, she earned the Wellesley Women's Book Award in 2009 for her dedication to empowering youth through visual and performance art.

Continuing her journey at Wesleyan University, Amber immersed herself in service learning, exploring rehabilitative therapies, social justice, African American Studies, and social entrepreneurship. Her transformative engagement in Middletown, Connecticut, highlighted the profound impact of art as a catalyst for social change. In 2013, Amber was honored with the Ella T. Grasso Leadership in Action Grant, showcasing her commitment to promoting pride, access, and inclusion within the amputee community. As the Lead Visual Artist with Posts for Peace and Justice in 2017, she guided female veterans to create a mural on the Atlanta Beltline, illuminating the healing qualities of art.

Throughout her professional career, Amber hosted outreach events and creative workshops for nonprofits nationwide including the Amputee Coalition, Wounded Warrior Project, and Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, showcasing her talent in crafting engaging experiences. With a vision to expand her impact, Amber founded Artistically Esoteric, LLC, offering a fusion of visual arts goods and educational art services to increase the cultural capital of her clients through functional art experiences. Leveraging her expertise in curriculum development and outreach, she developed the Art for Life Curriculum, inspiring individuals to embrace art as a problem-solving tool that breeds transformation and innovation. Her notable lessons include a mosaics workshop about the stages of grief and a single-line self portrait workshop about change management and radical acceptance that debuted at the TEDxAtlanta We Rise 2023 Conference. Her expertise in the arts, community engagement, and therapeutic practices drives the company to help clients break stagnation, unlock artistic potential, and foster a vibrant artistic community.

In her latest role, selected by the Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs, Amber will curate an art collection at a Diversion Center in downtown Atlanta set to open in the spring of 2024. This opportunity showcases her commitment to using art for empowerment, community enrichment, and transformative change. Amber Enadeghe is a catalyst for artistic innovation and positive impact, shaping a creative legacy that extends far beyond the canvas.

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